Friday, May 6, 2016

Mom Friends

Here we are, another Mother’s day ... what a year it’s been. Having only been a mom for 7 years, I’m still getting a handle on this whole Mother’s day thing. It’s different as an honoree, but I am really enjoying my role as mom. But I couldn't do it without a huge support system. My hat goes off to all my mom friends (you know who you are.) You are my band of sisters. So this weekend, as we prepare to accept our handmade gifts and construction paper cards ... I reflect on what it means to be more than a mom but to be a “mom friend.”
We are perfectly imperfect, we make mistakes … we learn. We love our children to the moon and back (and sometimes we want to send them there.) We go, go, go, all the while, wanting time to stop. We build each other up with accepting smiles. But most importantly, we support each other, because we understand. We recognize that even the most confident of us are insecure. Lying underneath every high is the fear that everything will fall apart. Each of us has moments when we are on top of the world and just as we feel we’ve “got this” … we don’t.
The Mother’s day, I recognize I couldn’t be half the mom I am if it weren’t for my friends. I learn from them … lean on them, and I try my best to support them in return. My friends step in and support me when I can’t be the mom I need to be. They recognize distress signals and swoop in to help. They perform hair alterations when daddy brings a frazzled girl to dance class because I'm stuck elsewhere ...  I have the best mom friends. When my family is in crisis, they are there. When I was recovering from surgery, they provided respite for my children so I could heal. They are super moms, who have a magical way of providing guidance without criticism. They are my sisters, if not by blood or marriage, but by bond.
So thank you, to all the women who have walked this path of motherhood alongside me. Thank you for your guidance, your support but most of all, thank you for being you, and allowing me to be me.  

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