Thursday, August 10, 2017

Crucifixion - Painting My Faith

“When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.” John 19:30
Carrie Jo Gros "It Is Finished" Oil on Canvas 2017 
Having been Catholic for only a little over ten years, being vocal about and expressing my faith is not something that comes natural to me. Having grown up protestant, my first introduction to Catholicism was at the University of Kansas during my BFA studies. You see, one cannot study art history without an immersion in the rich artistic history of the Catholic Church. Awareness of this exposure is not obvious, but it is there. (I myself did not become aware of my appreciation until years later when I stepped into a Catholic church and was greeted by a replica of Michelangelo’s Pietà.) As my faith has grown, so has my desire to explore and express it in my art. This desire comes with a great amount of fear. Not only fear of creating a work that is misunderstood, but also fears of it simply falling short or not being good enough. Questions such as, “What if I get the references wrong?” or “If this painting is no good, am I insulting Mary?” taunt and paralyze me.

There is a common saying that I have clung to in my faith journey, “Growth does not come without discomfort.” This pertains to artistic development, as well as growing in my faith. The desire to create scriptural references has always been there, but the courage to create them has not. Eventually I decided to face my fears and create my own interpretation of religious art. God has given me these talents, and not using them to glorify Him is an insult and a waste. Creating my version of the crucifixion was more fulfilling than I imagined. It is my goal to connect with the subject manner to increase my own spiritual connection to the moment. In doing so, I must leave behind the idea that it needs to “look” a certain way or cater to what people expect. My art comes from personal reflection and meditation.  It is at its core, a reflection into my thoughts and my heart. I hope you enjoy.

Artist Meditation:
“When Jesus had taken the wine, he said, “It is finished.” And bowing his head, he handed over the spirit.” John 19:30 At this poignant moment, the Father who gave his only son, watches from above.
The Mother Mary cries out in anguish, grabs her heart and falls to her knees... Onlookers fade away in her agony and all she sees is her son as the prophecy is fulfilled.
“And behold, the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked, rocks were split.” Matthew 27:51 The heavens opened and the world was bright as Jesus’s sprit rose to the heavens.  Truly, “it is finished.”

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