Monday, May 2, 2016

Monday Sucks!

Mondays are the worst. It has nothing to do with the start of another work week, or the blinking light on the phone from calls that have come in over the weekend ... Mondays suck because I MISS MY KIDS!

All weekend long we get to be together as a family … we hang out in our jammies, work on projects and go to church where they sit (sometimes quietly) on my lap. Everything I do they are constantly at my side. I nag at them about cleaning up after themselves … put them in time out when they fight with each other … and admire when I catch a glimmer of how much they’ve grown and see shadows of the tiny babes they used to be.
And we go. We go here, we go there … Ballet, soccer, events … I run errands with tiny hands clasped in mine as we walk. I hear their laughter and playful screams, the fights, the cries … the secret sister giggles. Their noise is so constant I can barely hear myself think. Then it’s gone. I sit in the quiet solitude of my cubicle and nobody is calling out “momma, I’m hungry. Mom, she hit me. I wanna go outside to play … help me in the bathroom. Where are my shoes?” For two whole days it’s constant callings and demands. Then it’s just me, the computer and the sound of typing keys.
Mondays are the worst because it’s the first of 5 whole days I have to spend without my kids.

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