Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Homeward Bound

Sometimes I surprise myself. My first job out of college was in advertising. I loved it. But after a few years I decided to go work a desk job at a state agency. The hours would be better for a mother with a young baby. My husband also worked there so we could tackle the demands of working parents together.

The work was intriguing, but I longed to return to my former life in the world of advertising. After our second child was two, I moved back to the land of marketing at the coolest agency in Topeka. It's great, intriguing work. Full of cool benefits, creative people and exciting events. I loved the energy being  around these fantastic people who were so knowledgeable about so many things. I was so excited, but here is where the surprise comes in. As much as it is what I thought I wanted, my heart wasn't in it. I missed my job at the state.

An Adventure in Landscaping

Knollwood, the neighborhood where we live, is one of the hilliest neighborhoods in Topeka. Stacked stone retaining walls line three sides of our property. The wall on the southern side of the yard  is less than two feet. With the Neighbors wooden fence set in a couple of feet, it serves a dual purpose as a decorative planting bed. When we took ownership of our home six years ago, the back yard was completely overgrown. This wall was barely visible due to being completely covered with English ivy. Clearing off the Ivy, we discovered roots from the surrounding trees and bushes had completely destroyed the wall.

Starting at the Westernmost end of the wall, we worked together intending to simply "clean it up" a bit. Dennis worked ahead of me, removing the ivy and volunteer trees so I could re-stack the stones that had fallen. We quickly realized that a rebuild was in order. So I began pulling the rocks down and digging out the dirt behind them. Working a few feet at a time, I piled the limestone rocks on top of the bed and project went pretty quickly.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Reflections on the Annunciation

Not being a cradle catholic this concept of putting it in Gods's hands is a hard one for me. But God is full of surprises, he's given us this amazing gift of free will and sent angels to protect and guide us along our journeys. So why am I supposed to put it in God's hands if I have free will to do as I please? His angels are protecting us from messing up right?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Being Me

I've spent a good many years trying to decide what I want to be when I grow up. It was not until recently that I found an answer to this ponderance. It's not "what" but "who". There are many things that I am unsure of in life but of this one thing I am 100% positive. I want to be Carrie Jo when I grow up.

Now this may seem like a silly thing to say, but how many times in your life have you been encouraged to do something because others thought it would be good for you? Or you make a decision because you think that you should be something more than you are? It's a simple situation,"The grass is always greener on the other side." Right?